1. General

The following precautions will help keep your private information secure:

Never share your online account.

Do not use the same password for more than one account.

Do not divulge personal information about your account INCLUDING PASSWORDS to anyone – even people who claim to be from customer service or security.

Do not write down your password or save it on your computer.

Do not send your password to anyone or communicate it by telephone, e-mail or instant messaging.

Do not leave your computer unattended while logged on to your account.

Change passwords regularly, especially when there is suspicion they may have been compromised.

Do not use the same passwords for your operation systems and software/accounts passwords.

To make a secure password, make it alpha-numeric.

Make your password as random as possible, but easy for you to remember.

Keep your anti-virus software up-to-date.

Make sure your firewall is secure.

Avoid logging in to your CricBaba account on public computers – e.g. libraries, internet cafes, etc.

Always keep your OS, browser, and plugins up-to-date.

Choosing a Safe Password

Use both upper and lowercase letters and try to include at least 1 number.

Passwords should be a minimum of 8 characters.

Do not use obvious words or your personal user information such as your first or last name.

Do not use passwords that match the format of your birthday, telephone numbers, or other common numbers people may be able to guess.

Do not use a password that reflects you username in any way.

Has your Account Been Compromised?

Your account may have been compromised if:

There have been changes to your account details that you didn't commit, such as your e-mail, home address or phone number.

There has been activity within your account that was not done by you. This could include deposits or withdrawals or bets placed.

You have received an email notification of a password change without any action by you.

If any of the above listed events have happened to your account, please change your password immediately and contact CricBaba customer support service.

Security Monetary Transactions

Transferring Money

To protect your personal data during communication with your web browser, the company uses secure and tested encryption technology.

Online transactions continue to be protected by our cashier providers and our internal security encryption system.

Paying Out to You

When transferring money from your CricBaba account to your credit card, bank account or any other payment processor, we want to be absolutely sure that it is you who receives the money. In order to prevent fraud we kindly ask you to provide us a copy of your official photographic identification. You can upload a scanned copy of this document during the registration process.

Transaction Security

Processing Payments

Your online transaction security is one of our most significant concerns. All information transmitted online is encrypted using advanced logarithm combinations. All communication between you and CricBaba is also encrypted to the maximum strength supported by your browser using 256 Bit SSL encryption.

Your Details

CricBaba uses the 256 bit Secure Socket Layout (SSL) encryption software. This system ensures that all the information provided by you in the CricBaba online forms, such as payment details is automatically protected. We secure your private information using Godaddy SSL Certificates.

Built-in Protection from your Card Provider

The “Card not present” transactions are automatically protected by your credit card provider. You have the right to dispute a transaction if you believe your card has been used fraudulently. To provide you with extra security on your online transactions, we also support online authentication protocols, Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.

Privacy Policy

CricBaba manages private Account Holder information in accordance with applicable laws, data protection acts and/or similar. CricBaba upholds strict confidentiality when dealing with private Account Holder data. This can only be breached by a decision deriving from the Governing Laws of the Lithuanian Republic and/or in the event of an Account Holder violating the CricBaba Rules. Any data utilised for marketing purposes is based on the so called opt-in principle. CricBaba adheres to the Data Protection Act, other relevant regulations, legal notices and/or similar at the Place of the Contract taking account of the Data Protection Directive (EC Directive 95/46/EC) and the Electronic Communications Privacy Directive (EC Directive/2002/58/EC. Furthermore, CricBaba has adopted the best practice when it comes to the principles of e-mail communication with Account Holders. All the aforementioned is in place in order to assure Account Holders that at all times personal data is:

processed in accordance with the rights of the Account Holder concerned;

processed fairly and lawfully;

obtained only for a specific and lawful purpose;

adequate, relevant and not excessive to its purpose;

accurate and updated;

kept in a secure manner;

not kept longer than is necessary for its purpose;

not transferred to 3rd party jurisdictions not adhering to the aforementioned directives.

CricBaba discloses personal data when ordered to do so by order of the Governing Authorities or the Republic of Lithuania and/or under provisions in the Lithuanian Governing Laws. Furthermore, CricBaba reserves the right to disclose personal data to relevant recipients when CricBaba has reasonable grounds to suspect irregularities that involve a CricBaba Account. The Account Holder has the right to require access to the Account Holder’s own personal data and/or has the right to correct and/or erase wrong and/or inappropriate data.

NET/ENT privacy policy applies to allCricBaba Casino games managed and developed by NET/ENT. Find all terms and conditions on the NET/ENT privacy policy page.


The CricBaba website uses cookies for the following purposes:

To identify the Account Holder’s preferred language so it is automatically selected when the Account Holder returns to CricBaba.

To ensure bets the Account Holder places are associated with the Account Holder’s betting coupon and account.

To ensure the Account Holder receives any bonuses the Account Holder is eligible for.

To allow analysis of CricBaba website traffic so we can make suitable improvements.

Please be aware that it is not possible to use the CricBaba website without enabling cookies. While the website may contain links to websites operated by parties other than CricBaba (for example a gambling commission website), CricBaba is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of any other websites.